Jackson Downtown: Survey of Newsletter and Website


Survey of JunesWebs Newsletter and Website

Please enter your opinions on the following 20 questions.

Newsletter Survey

1 - How often do you read our Newsletter? I do not read it Less than once a month About once a month Several times a month Weekly

2 - What is your favorite section of our Newsletter? Sponsors Available Properties Events Calendar Event Articles Letter From The Editor
Additional Comments

3 - What is your least favorite section of our newsletter? Sponsors Available Properties Events Calendar Event Articles Letter From The Editor

4 - What would you like to see ADDED TO our Newsletter?

5 - How often would you like to receive our Newsletter? Bi-Weekly Weekly

6 - Does our Newsletter provide the information you need? Poor Below Average Average Good Excellent

7 - What would encourage you to read our Newsletter more often?

8 - Any further comments regarding our Newsletter?

9 - Any general comments about JunesWebs.com?

Thank you for providing information about our Newsletter


10 - How likely are you to recommend this website? Not At All Likely Somewhat Unlikely Likely Somewhat Likely Very Likely

11 - Please rate the overall content of our website Poor Below Average Average Good Excellent

Suggestions for improvement

12 - Please rate ease of navigation of our website Poor Below Average Average Good Excellent

Suggestions for Improvement

13 - Did you find the information you were looking for on our website?

14 - How often do you visit our website? Less than once a month Several Times a month About once a week Several Times a week Every Day

15 - In a typical month, how much time do you spend visiting our website? 0 to 30 minutes 31 to 60 minutes 2 to 3 hours 4 to 6 hours 7 to 10 hours

16 - How did you first hear about our website? Search Engine Another website Newspaper or magazine
Friend or business associate

Our Newsletter

Explain if you'd care to.

17 - What would you like to see ADDED TO our website?

18 - What is the primary reason for visiting our website? Portfolio Prices General Information New Newsletter New Website

Other reason

19 - What is the secondary reason for visiting our website? Portfolio Prices General Information New Newsletter New Website

Other reason

20 - Suggestions for improving our website.

Optionally - Enter your name
Optionally - Enter your email address

You will be redirected to Survey Results when you submit your information to us.