Welcome to M.T.T.

Recent events have made it clear that we are all responsible for our own emergency preparedness. In a major disaster (tornados, earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, floods and blackouts to name a few), first responders will be overwhelmed and unable to come to you.

You will need to have an Emergency Preparedness Plan as well as emergency survival supplies to sustain you for the duration.

The information here will help you and your family to choose the right emergency preparedness supplies,and will also assist you to make a survival plan for your home, business and/or school.

Types Of Survival Kits We Carry




Home Emergency Preparedness

Your emergency preparedness must begin at home.

  • Preparing yourself and your family is key.
  • Sit down and create a logical and realistic emergency plan with your family including caregivers and other people close to you.
  • Include where are your home’s escape routes, meeting places and what will be your methods of communication in an emergency or disaster.
  • Meet with your friends and neighbors to plan a block-wide plan to help each other.

Review an Emergency Preparedness Checklist and take stock of what you need. Don’t forget your pets!


School Emergency Preparedness

Don’t assume your child’s school has an emergency preparedness plan in place.

Ask the administrators or PTA how they plan to respond in the event of an earthquake, fire, hurricane, tornado, blackout or the more common lock down or shelter-in-place.

  • Are tall shelves and cabinets securely fastened to the walls?
  • How often are emergency drills conducted?
  • Where will the children be evacuated?
  • How will the school communicate with the parents?
  • What sort of supplies does the school have to sustain your child in case you cannot get to them right away?
  • Are there portable toilets in each classroom for prolonged lock downs?


Business Emergency Preparedness

As an employer, you are responsible for the safety and well-being of your employees, your most valuable asset.

Whether your place of work is a retail store, small office or skyscraper, make sure there is a plan in place and communicate it regularly.

  • Provide your employees with the necessary protective gear, such as smoke masks first aid kits, and other emergency supplies and the knowledge to act during a crisis.
  • Protect your physical assets by securing furniture and computers, having the proper insurance coverage and safety equipment such as fire extinguishers.
  • Ensure business continuity with backup data, emergency power sources and contingency plans.


At M.T.T. our goal is to help make it easier for you to create your own disaster preparedness plan and gather the sometimes hard-to-find emergency supplies you need.

Let us know if there is anything you don’t find here and we will do our best to get it for you.

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M.T.T. Survival Kits | 731-608-1710 | mtttea10@aol.com
Website by JunesWebs.com
