Essential Oil - Single - Used throughout the ages for soothing and calming the digestive, muscular, and endocrine systems. Use with Massage Oil on tight, cramped muscles or on lower abdomen to calm digestion. 100% Pure preminum grade wild crafted oil from USA E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure
$30.00 |
Bay Laurel 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - Has a spicy scent similar to the bay leaves used in cooking. Uplifting, calming, and grounding, it supports the digestive, respiratory and lymphatic systems. 100% Pure preminum grade wild crafted oil Laurus Nobils from Crete E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure
$26.40 |
Birch 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - Apply Birch on location for easing joint, muscle and bone stress and pain. Ingredients: 100% pure, premium-grade wild-crafted Birch oil from Canada. E.O.B.B.D. Certified
$26.40 |
Black Cumin 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - Black cumin seed oil stimulated the metabolism and prevented weakness and lethargy, for liver and digestion diseases. 100% Pure preminum grade wild crafted oil from Egypt Nigellasativa E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure
$24.00 |
Breathe 10ml
Essential Oil - Blend - Contains powerful therapeutic-grade essential oils that are invigorating when applied, especially to the chest and throat area. This is a blend of 100% pure Permium grade wild crafted and organic oils Eucalyptus Radiata, Eucalyptus Globulus, Eucalyptus Citriodora, Rosemary, and other essential oils to enhance E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$27.60 |
Cedarwood 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - A warm, balsamic, woody aroma. It is relaxing and soothing when used for massage, and can be to maintain healthy lung function. Cedarwood has long been used as a beneficial ingredient in cosmetic preparations for oily skin. 100% Pure preminum grade wild crafted oil from Nepal E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure
$13.20 |
Chamomile 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - (Matricaria Recutita) This oil is a warm, sweet, comforting, slightly bitter. 100% Pure preminum grade wild crafted oil from Egypt E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$82.80 |
Charity 4-10ml
Essential Oil - B;end - This is a blend of 100% pure Permium grade wild crafted and organic oils Lemon, Orange, Geranium, Lime, Ylang Ylang, Blue Tansy, and other essentail oils to enhance. E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$48.00 |
Chiro-Touch 10ml
Essential Oil - Blend - This is a blend of 100% pure Permium grade wild crafted and organic oils This is a Blend of Rosewood, Frankincesne, Spruce, Blue Tansy, Fur, Juniper Berry
$34.80 |
Cinnamon Bark 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - A wonderful spicy scent loved around the world. Cinnamon oil is now being used in many recipes as a tangy, inventive ingredient. 100% Pure preminum grade wild crafted oil from Sri Lanka E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure
$38.40 |
Clary Sage 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - Contains natural phyto-estrogens, very uplifting and relaxing, making it a perfect choice for supporting a normal, healthy attitude during PMS. It is also supportive for menopausal women. 100% Pure preminum grade wild crafted oil from USA E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure
$48.00 |
Clove Bud 10ml
Essential Oils - Single - Has a sweet, spicy fragrance that is stimulating and revitalizing, with wonderful immune-enhancing properties, its principal constituent is eugenol. 100% Pure preminum grade wild crafted oil from Madagascar E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$28.80 |
Coriander 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - An exceptionally effective oil for aiding the endocrine system as well as soothing and calming the digestive system. 100% Pure preminum grade wild crafted oil from U.S.A E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$33.60 |
Defense 10ml
Essential Oil - Blend - This is a blend of 100% pure Permium grade wild crafted and organic oils Nutmeg, Thyme, Rosilena, Rosemary, and other essentail oils to enhance E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$25.20 |
Diffusers 120v Pump
Equipment - Tool - Cold-air diffuser instantly delivers life-giving tools in the form of tiny molecules of essential oils into your lungs and blood stream The surface area of your lungs is equivalent to that of a tennis court.
$143.94 |
Di-gest 10ml
Essential Oil - Blend - This wonderful blend of oils calms and soothes the digestive system and related organs. Use in massage over lower abdomen areas and back. Ingredients: 100% pure, premium-grade, organic and wild-crafted oils of Lemon, Fennel, Spearmint, Eucalyptus, Dill, Coriander, Nutmeg, and Peppermint. E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$31.20 |
Dill 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - A spicy, fresh scent that is stimulating, revitalizing, and balancing. Use dill essential oil for cooking or preparing food to enhance flavor. 100% Pure preminum grade wild crafted oil from USA E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure. Certified.
$19.20 |
E-Motion 3-10ml
Essential Oil - Blend - This combination of uplifting and calming oils stimulate a sense of peace and emotional well-being of the solar plexus . This is a blend of 100% pure Permium grade wild crafted and organic oils Lavender, Vanilla, Clary Sage, Mangerin Orange, Sandalwood and other essential oils to enhance E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$36.00 |
Eucalyptus 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - Compliments the immune and respiratory systems from your head to your lungs. Ingredients: 100% pure, premium-grade wild-crafted Eucalyptus oil from Australia. E.O.B.B.D.
$14.40 |
Eye Vision 6-10ml
Essential Oil - Blend - The oils in this Mental Clarity are believed to enhance mental focus This is a blend of 100% pure Permium grade wild crafted and organic oils Canadian Balsum Fir, Spuce and other essentail oils to enhance E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$54.00 |
Fennel 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - Traditionally used for the digestive and endocrine systems.100% Pure preminum grade wild crafted oil from Egypt E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$18.00 |
Geranium 2-10ml
Essential Oil - Single - Exceptional for balancing emotions and calming stress. Use in massage to aid circulation. Apply undiluted topically on minor cuts and scrapes.100% Pure preminum grade wild crafted oil from Madagascar E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$27.60 |
Grapeseed Carrier 240ml (8oz)
Carrier Oil - Single - This premium quality carrier oil is great for massage. Slows down the rate of absorption of essential oils into the body A great nourishing moisturizer. Do NOT diffuse essential oils diluted with Message Oil. 100% Pure preminum grade wild crafted oil from Italy
$21.60 |
Gratitude 7-10 ml
Essential Oil - Blend - Elevates the mood and supports the experience and expression of feelings associated with thanksgiving and joy. Diffuse or use as a pure, health-enhancing oil to replace perfume. Ingredients: Proprietary blend of 100% pure, premium-grade Spruce and other organic and wildcrafted supporting oils
$48.00 |
Helichrysm 5ml
Essential Oil - Single - Known for its restorative properties and provides excellent support to the skin, liver, and nervous system . Common Uses: Abscesses, acne, boils, burns, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, irritated skin, wounds.100% Pure preminum grade wild crafted oil from Corsica E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$105.60 |
Lemon 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - Traditionally used for its anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and cleansing qualities.100% Pure preminum grade wild crafted oil from Italy E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$16.80 |
Lemongrass 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - Known for its cleansing properties, lymphatic system support, and tendon, cartilage, and connective tissue support. 100% Pure preminum grade wild crafted oil from Egypt E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$19.20 |
Loving Care 10ml
Essential Oil - Blend - It helps calm emotions during pregnancy and is useful for quieting troubled little ones. This is a blend of 100% pure Permium grade wild crafted and organic oils Rosewood, Geranium, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, and other essential oils to enhance E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$30.00 |
Marjoram 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - Especially useful when muscles are stressed. 100% pure, premium-grade wild-crafted Marjoram oil from Turkey. E.O.B.B.D.
$26.40 |
Mars (Man) 10ml
Essential Oil - Blend - Stimulates directly the limbic areas of the brain responsible for emotions and moods. This is a blend of 100% pure Permium grade wild crafted and organic oils Rosewood, Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Coriander, Spruce and other essential oils to enhance E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$26.40 |
Myrrh 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - A rich, smoky, balsamic aroma that is purifying, restorative, revitalizing, and uplifting
$54.00 |
Myrtle 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - Used traditionally for strengthening the immune system and the endocrine system. 100% pure, premium-grade wild-crafted Myrtle oil from Morocco. E.O.B.B.D. Certified
$31.20 |
Orange 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - A calming, universally pleasing oil that helps strengthen the immune system. 100% Pure preminum grade wild crafted oil from Portugal E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$13.20 |
Oregano 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - One of the most powerful and versatile essential oils, it contains strong immune-enhancing and antioxidant properties and supports the respiratory system.
$13.20 |
Physical Touvh 10ml
Essential Oil - Blend - When your joints are inflamed and pain is restrictive, use with a hot or cold compress. When you’re stiff and sore, apply on location. Ingredients 100% pure, premium-grade Birch and other organic and wild-crafted supporting oils.
$34.80 |
Quiet Scent 1-10ml
Essential Oil - Blend - These synergistic blends of the most calming oils to help you unwind, become grounded, and feel at peace. This is a blend of 100% pure Permium grade wild crafted and organic oils Vetiver, Patchouli, Lavender, Sandalwood, and other essential oils to enhance E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$40.80 |
Romance 10ml
Essential Oil - Blend - Try adding a few drops to a romantic bubble bath This is a blend of 100% pure Permium grade wild crafted and organic oils Orange, Grapefruit, Vanilla, Geranium, Fennel, lavender, and other essential oils to enhance E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$31.20 |
Rosemary 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - A fresh, herbaceous, sweet, slightly medicinal aroma. An energizing oil, it may be beneficial for helping to restore mental alertness when experiencing fatigue.
$21.60 |
Spearmint 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - Minty, slightly softer than peppermint, a rich antioxidant, spearmint helps support the respiratory and nervous systems and may help open and release emotional blocks leading to a sense of balance and well-being.
$19.20 |
Spice for Life 10ml
Essential Oil - Blend - It is highly effective in supporting the immune system and good health. This is a blend of 100% pure Permium grade wild crafted and organic oils Cinnamon, Orange, Lemon, Lime, Ravensara, Oregano and other essential oils to enhance E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$34.80 |
Sunshine Tooth Drops 10ml
Essential Oil - BLend - Shine+ makes your teeth shine without the toxic chemicals This is a blend of 100% pure Permium grade wild crafted and organic oils Almond, Spearmint, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Clove, Lemon and other essentail oils to enhance E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$18.00 |
Tea Tree 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - A variety of melaleuca oil that is exceptionally gentle and non-irritating to the skin. It also has calming properties. [Previously Mistletoe]
$26.40 |
Thyme 10ml
Essential Oil - Single - Thyme supports the immune, respiratory, digestive, nervous, and other body systems.
$26.40 |
Tickaboo 10ml
Essential Oil - Bend - Therapeutic-grade essential oils formulated to help your body eliminate unwanted organisms. This is a blend of 100% pure Permium grade wild crafted and organic oils Oregano, Wormwood, Black Cumin, Thyme and other essential oils to enhance E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$30.00 |
Venus (Women) 10ml
Essential Oil - Blend - The perfect choice for women's emotions during special times and needs. This is a blend of 100% pure Permium grade wild crafted and organic oils Bergamont, Geranium, Fennel, Coriander, and other essential oils to enhance E.O.B.B.D Certified Pure.
$26.40 |