Whether you are a mom and pop operation or a large corporation, an emergency preparedness plan and survival supplies should be a part of your normal operating procedures. Develop a plan for your company and communicate it to your employees. Have a contingency plan for your operations. Studies show that 25% to 40% of small businesses do not re-open after a major disaster.
Our office survival kits can be used for earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, floods, blackouts, severe winter storms and general emergency preparedness.
M.T.T. provides complete emergency solutions for your business. Standard business survival kits come in 5 to 100 person sizes good for 3 days. Food and water have a 5 year shelf-life and are U.S. Coast Guard approved. We also offer bulk discounts for quantity purchases and custom survival kits for your employees with your logo. Put a kit in each office, work site or retail location to protect your employees, your most valuable asset.